Niels-Ole Rohweder, M.Sc.

Niels-Ole Rohweder, M.Sc.

Niels-Ole Rohweder completed his physics studies at the University of Hamburg at the end of 2018 with an excellent master's degree. The focus of his studies was laser physics, especially non-classical states of light, as well as computer science with a focus on robotics as a minor. Since 2019, he has been researching remote, optical sensors for human-machine collaboration as a PhD student at Clausthal University of Technology; sensors that can create a better data basis for the condition of the human from the perspective of the collaborative robot. As part of his research, the joint interdisciplinary project KEIKO (Congnitive-Emphatic Intelligent Kobots) was created, which evaluates the possibilities of human-centered, artificial emotional intelligence, at three locations in Clausthal, Göttingen and Duisburg. Niels-Ole Rohweder's sub-project deals with pupil recordings in sub-micrometer resolution in order to draw conclusions about brain activity from the smallest pupil fluctuations.

Select Publications

  • Sebastian Steinlechner, Niels-Ole Rohweder at al.: Mitigating mode-matching loss in nonclassical laser interferometry
    In: Physical review letters 121 (26) 263602, 2018
  • Basel Alhaji, …, Christian Rembe, Niels-Ole Rohweder, Christoph Schwindt, Stephan Westphal, Jürgen Zimmermann: Engineering human–machine teams for trusted collaboration
    In: Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Vol. 4(4) 35, 2020
  • Niels-Ole Rohweder, Jan Gertheiss, Christian Rembe: Sub-micron pupillometry for optical EEG measurements
    In: tm-Technisches Messen Vol. 88 (7-8) 473-480, 2021
  • Niels-Ole Rohweder, Christian Rembe: High precision pupillometry
    In: tm-Technisches Messen Vol. 90 (s1) 114-119, 2023
  • Niels-Ole Rohweder, Lisa Alena Raimund, Christian Rembe: Influence of lossy JPEG compression on measurement uncertainty for luminance-based area measurements
    In: tm-Technisches Messen 91 (s1) 38-43, 2024

Location: Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum (SWZ), Building C9

Room: C9-329c
Tel.: +49 5323 72-5234